Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A New Look to My Site

I found a fantastic site called Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates....
I am not a HUGE fan of how blogger works, and having had Typepad in the past, it's (to me) like going from DSL or Cable back to dial-up....

Harsh, yes.

Anyhow....I found this site and the new template of my dreams. For those on a feed reader, here's a screen capture:

Isn't it gorgeous??? I love it...

I also did a few other changes, and added a few things (like a playlist).

I'm going to continue tweaking today and tonight, until I'm 100% satisfied.

Now if Blogger's commenting situation didn't SUCK, life would be awesome ;).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, the blogger templates are fabulous. I too was not a fan of Blogger and switched over to .Web some time ago when we were getting more official with the alpacas. For now, I'm just using their templates and several photos from Brookfarm. I'm not the most creative, but I can sure do more with my computer than I can with pencil and paper.

I also wanted to say how I appreciated your comment about "comments" on your blog. I too rarely get comments. It really is nice when you know there is really someone out there reading (& enjoying) your words!

P.S. Have you considered coming to Murphy's on the first and third Monday to join the Knit at Night group? We'd love to have you join in!