Thursday, September 18, 2008

Four Process Gnomes and Labyrinth

So, our order from Oak Meadow is still not here (just the Craft Kit, so it's not big huge deal) we are kind of piddling along, doing more relaxed projects than anything right now...all fun though!

Earlier this week we made Four Process Gnomes and King Equals to help with Olivia's introduction into her multiplication tables, and beginning division...we reviewed all the processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, with a little story to accompany each gnome/process)...and I asked her to express on paper, her favorite of the tales...she chose addition, because he always got "just what the King asked for", unlike Subtraction who managed to lose some along the way, Multiplication always got more than the King wanted-but shared with Subtraction...and Division got the right amount but always made a bunch of piles and that was more work, she said drew it accordingly. I love seeing her have such a great time with it...even Corbin, who is well beyond this, had fun watching/playing along.

He found himself lost in the Labyrinth...his newest 'favorite' game right now...and enjoyed trying to guide that ball around... Our morning block has been slow, but fun....this afternoon we're going to go outside for a picnic and work on mapping skills and I think we are all looking forward to the fresh air ;)

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